Stainless Steel Forgings
Stainless steels contain elevated chromium content (a minimum of 10.5% weight) and are much more resistant to corrosion than plain carbon or alloy steels. As the chromium content increases, so does the corrosion resistance.
Stainless Steel Classifications
There are four main classifications of stainless steels: ferritic, austenitic, martensitic, and precipitation hardening.
The ferritic grades are not hardenable, are lower in cost, non-magnetic, and are utilized for their good ductility properties. Common grades are 409, 430, 439, 441 and can be used in applications such as commercial food preparation, automobile trim and exhaust systems.
Austenitic grades (300 series, 304, 316, 321, etc.) are alloyed with nickel to give them better resistance to corrosive and high temperature environments. They are non-magnetic, non-hardenable by heat treatment, and utilized in more demanding atmospheres such as marine, chemical, and elevated temperature.
Martensitic grades (410, 416, 440, etc.) have a carbon addition which allows them to be hardened by heat treating and makes them magnetic but reduces their corrosion resistance potential. These grades are utilized in cutlery, fasteners, pumps, valves and bearings.
Precipitation hardening grades (17-4, 15-5, 13-8, etc.) are alloyed with nickel and copper to give them superior strength to corrosion properties. They are subjected to a solution anneal heat treatment, followed by age hardening. Applications include aerospace, fluid movement, and medical.
Common Alloying Elements:
Chromium– improves oxidation resistance
Nickel- increases strength, ductility and toughness. Improves corrosion and heat resistance when combined in large amounts with high chromium steels
Manganese- increases strength, toughness, hardenability and hot working properties
Carbon- increases strength and hardness
Copper- aids in corrosion resistance in sea water and sulfuric environments
Stainless Steel Capabilities
Up to 70 lbs. / 32kg
Up to 75 in2 / 484 cm2
Stainless Steel Materials We Forge:
300 Series
400 Series
PH Grades (17-4, 15-5)
At Walker Forge, our primary process is closed-die forging, which involves heating special bar quality (SBQ) steel and shaping it to your custom specifications.
Choose us today for a wide range of sizes and types of forgings, supported by a complete array of value-added services including metallurgical lab testing, heat treating, and machining.









Walker Forge is a longtime partner to top-tier OEMs in challenging industries.